Labels:book | earth | paper | reckoner | sidewalk | sky OCR: Ouick Start Installation To install the Companion CD-ROM follow these steps: Insert the Companion CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive At the DOS prompt. type "d:\go where the letter of your CD-ROM drive, and press <Enter> rafe the ompan CD-ROM should begin ruming 10 Dis Limel 1as use best ffort C 88 ROM 886088 DTO rams cont an tne light Media Ine T0 arranty any kind exorcsseeor 88888888888888 implied. oare sto the fi 8882 unct tion OT these era ms docurnentation 8888888 This 838 ontains 5 Many oft the pro erams on this CD ROM are shareware Please remember re ster all share inaccore ance with the agreement which the shareware author has setr orth in the progi 88888888 888 accomi panying documentati on ASP Ombudsman Statem ent Lime light Media, Inc. IS an approved vendor and associate member of th ...